Are you a person with a disability interested in building your dream career?

We nurture and uncover your hidden talents. We help you build marketable skills and connect you to your dream career, working for employers who value your contribution!

We understand the many challenges that people with cognitive and intellectual disabilities face today and want them to: 

* Overcome fear and build confidence.

* Reach for mainstream tech  jobs, train for them, get paid market rate.

* Have access to personalized training resources that cater to their needs.

* Enable ‘on the job’ training via internships, apprenticeships.

We want to change the landscape of opportunities for people with cognitive and intellectual disabilities. 

Tell us more about yourself and what you are looking for!


How the program works.

  • A short introduction survey that helps us get to know you better
  • Interview with the TAA team
  • A personalized training plan for your training and development
  • Exposure to a real- world environment with on the job training and hands on project based learning.
  • Program is offered at no cost to you.
  • Access to internships opportunities as they become available

Designed by Storyset.

Designed by Storyset.


Our view of Mentorship

  • Mentoring is sharing your knowledge, expertise, experience with someone who can benefit from it.
  • Mentoring is taking an interest and investing in someone else’s success.
  • Mentoring is not just about giving advice but about learning and growing together, challenging and elevating both mentor and mentee to achieve new levels of professional excellence.


Personalized learning and development plan

We develop our own learning materials that help break down complex concepts and are designed for people with cognitive and intellectual disabilities. We address the following issues that exist today:

  • Simple and easy to understand
  • Visualized with audio and video
  • Avoid jargon
  • Bite sized modules
  • Multiple methods of learning – audio, video, text, quizzes and games
  • Gamification of content to enable learning to be fun using games

Designed by Storyset.

Designed by Storyset.


A Circle of Influence

We rely on working professionals, teachers, parents are our team to facilitate the learning process.  We work with industry experts to develop training materials that address specific areas of work. We rely on an entourage of mentors to help us build and grow a world class team of disabled talent.


From Mentorship to Sponsorship

We strongly believe that mentorship is meaningless without sponsorship. Great mentors not only give great advice but are also great connectors. We are fully invested in your success and you achieving your goals, and connect you to people, opportunities for you to explore your potential.

Designed by Storyset.

Designed by Storyset.


Impact we deliver

When we create a great internship program, it does the following:

  • Provides a great way to learn, by learning on the job. We all know that hands on learning is the best way to learn!
  • Builds your confidence so that you become employable, trainable and add value to an organization.
  • Provides the employers  an opportunity to test and learn what works best.
  • Provides an opportunity for the employers  to see what inclusion  looks like up close.
  • It brings the employers closer to achieving accessibility and business goals. Who doesn’t want that?
  • It helps people with cognitive and intellectual disabilities experience professional growth and financial independence!
