Cognitive Accessibility is often overlooked by product teams because it is not well understood. We want to change that. Our team of people with Down syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, and Autism created a simple and visual checklist that you can use to factor in cognitive accessibility guidance into your design of digital experiences.
1. We referenced the cognitive accessibility guidance from the publicly available work of the COGA team. Link to their website here –
2. We are not an accessibility consulting company so this does not benefit our business in any way. We created these for ourselves and are sharing them with the hopes that it helps others.
3. We are not endorsed by W3C or WCAG or COGA or related committees who are doing important work in this space. We don’t believe their content is accessible to our team so we created our version of the same. We did this purely to better understand it for ourselves and not for commercial purposes.

Cognitive Accessibility - Rohan
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Cognitive Accessibility - Rojene
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Cognitive Accessibility - Laith
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Cognitive Accessibility - Michael
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